Making Your Mark in the iOS/Mac Open Source Community

Tim Oliver, RealmPart of DW17

A wise engineer once said ‘When it comes to software, always strive to give more than you take’. Making great software usually requires a LOT of code, and the less re-invention of the wheel we need to do, the faster we can ship amazing apps. The open source community around all Apple’s platforms is vast and vibrant, with many famous libraries becoming the goto standards when creating an app.

This presentation is for anyone who is interested in releasing their own open source library for any Apple platform. It discusses how to set up a codebase out in the open, and what most developers will expect in a well-supported library. It will cover publishing a library in the open, ensuring proper release versions, supporting all of the major dependence managers, as well as how to effectively handle user support.

Tim has been an avid enthusiast for developing mobile software since the launch of the iPhone 3G in 2008, entering the industry full-time in 2013. He’s helped ship iOS software for companies in Australia, Japan and the U.S.A, and currently works for a mobile software startup named Realm in San Francisco. Some people like to call him Tom.