Aimee Maree ForsstromPart of DW15
A while ago in Portland, Jean MacDonald came up with the idea of code camps run by women to help introduce more girls to App development on iOS. This talk covers the use of Apple technology in the Camp Curriculum Design, and how iOS provides a way for students to approach software development. It also looks into the diversity aspects of running a code camp for women by women, and how the platform designed by Jean is helping to break down code barriers for youth.
Aimee Maree Forsstrom is a Web Solutions Designer, Mobile/Web Developer and Open Source Advocate who teaches kids to code, having helped more kids write iOS apps then she has or ever will write herself. She currently teaches IT Entrepreneurship for the University of Adelaide Autism Spectrum Youth Research Project. Recently she was living in the USA where she worked with Mozilla and volunteered teaching code for OSCON Kids Day and App Camp for Girls first Seattle camp.