AUC Executive

The AUC Executive is the peak body of the AUC. Its role is to:

  • govern the association according to its operating policies,
  • implement budgets and resolutions arising from general meetings, and
  • oversee major activities such as the AUC “World” events, including X World, CreateWorld and /dev/world

The executive meets by teleconference approximately monthly.

Members of the Executive are elected for 2-year terms, with approximately one half of the terms expiring every 12 months. An individual whose membership of the association is current, and who has attended at least one general meeting of the AUC in the past 24 months, is eligible to stand for a position on the Executive.

Executive Membership

AUC Chair
Mr Tony Gray
Dr Paris Buttfield-Addison
Dr Jon Manning
General Member
Ms Mars Buttfield-Addison
General Member
Mr Ross Bennetts
General Member
Dr James White
General Member
Dr Tim Nugent

Publications Committee

Dr Paris Buttfield-Addison
Committee Member
Dr Josh Deprez
Committee Member
Mr Ross Bennetts