Making Mobile Web Services that Don’t Suck

Chris Neugebauer, University of Tasmania

Audience: Intermediate


One of the biggest benefits of the mobile app revolution is the ability to present information from the internet in new and exciting ways. Behind every app that relies on online data is an online service which, if implemented well, will make it super-easy to let your app access everything it needs.  Unfortunately, not every web service does this well.

In this presentation, we’ll be looking into design principles for web APIs with a focus on making things not suck for mobile app developers.  A particular focus will be on making services that are robust in the face of unreliable network access.  There’ll also be some practical examples presented in the form of Python code, but knowledge of Python is not needed to appreciate this talk.

Speaker Bio:

Christopher is a semi-professional nerd, and recent first-class Honours graduate in Computer Science of the University of Tasmania. Previously an intern at Google in Sydney, he currently works in mobile and web development for Secret Lab, a boutique development studio based in Hobart.  Since he likes it when developers share their experiences, he has twice organised application development miniconfs at (in 2010 and 2011).

When not coding, Christopher can be found taking long, artificially-lit walks down fake beaches, arguing the benefits of Python to anyone who won’t listen, and watching other people drinking beer. He also enjoys presenting on Open Source development at Mobile development conferences, and presenting on Mobile development at Open Source conferences.

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