Tim Nugent, University of Tasmania
Track: Web & HTML5; Audience: Intermediate
Parse is a cloud-based backend service, designed to make a developers job a little bit easier by avoiding having to write boilercode. Rather than having to build a backend service and deal with serialisation, storage, transfer, security and the billion other issues associated with backends, Parse can take care of it letting us lazy developers focus on features.
This talk will begin with the basics of adding Parse into an iOS project and sending, storing and retrieving simple data.
The presentation will then cover what Parse is doing in the background and some of Parses different features and support including a brief look at the Javascript and REST APIs.
Finally the talk will discuss and demonstrate how to use some of Parses more advanced functionality, including user accounts, social network integration, geolocation handling and finally file transfer and mobile push.
The presentation will finish up with a basic comparison of Parse and iCloud and why you probably want to be using Parse over iCloud.
Tim, I would have voted this as the best title for a talk in pretty much ever, but you have gratuitously used up an awesome title for a talk which in fact promoted Parse despite the title having negative connotations about parsing!