Josh Deprez, University of Tasmania
Exoskeleton, Inc. is threatening to end the world with a space rocket, a giant crab robot, an international conspiracy, and a shipment of Androids. You, on the other hand, have an iPhone or iPad, the island of Tanegashima, a team of JAXA engineers, and plans for a giant robot of your own. How do you rescue the world from the bone-crunching jaws of certain doom? This talk will be about using the Core Motion Framework, part of the iOS SDK. I will describe the available interfaces to Core Motion, and then get hands-on with the code of an app using the inbuilt accelerometer, magnetometer, gyroscope and combined device-motion data to control a “giant robot” (*robot may be virtual)
Josh is an A-grade nutcase studying a PhD in mathematics iat UTas – it’s this close (holds up hands) to submission, yet he insists on submitting a talk to /dev/world. He has interned at Google, programmed iOS apps with Secret Lab, and knows too much about enterprise application integration from his time with Federal Group.