Adam Debono, University of Wollongong
Open source software is more popular than you may think. Many major software companies either use and/or contribute to OSS, including the likes of Apple, Microsoft and Google. Using open source components or software is a great way to save time and money across development when it’s done right, and contributing enables hundreds and thousands of developers to collaborate on a single, amazing project (take Linux for example).
This talk covers the what, how and why of open source software. It includes topics including using OSS, creating your own, licensing and contributing. The talk will encompass the use of OSS in multiple environments and languages, not just iOS (but it’s not required to know them all).
Adam is an iOS and web developer with roughly 4 years of software development experience beginning in high school. He has worked on many projects for companies including iQMultimedia and Joindup, and currently works for Cast-Control, all located in Wollongong, NSW. Adam has 2 of his own apps on the App Store, and various open source utilities hosted on Github. He will finish his bachelor of Computer Science at the University of Wollongong in 2014.