Craig Richardson, Macquarie UniversityPart of XW15
This presentation will examine and demonstrate the tools and configuration we’re utilising for automating the deployment of Windows 8.1 to each of our 200 Mac computers.
Firstly it will explore why our centre needs to use Boot Camp to run Windows instead of deploying via popular virtualisation platforms such as VMWare Fusion or Parallels Desktop.
It will then examine how we’ve prepared the Windows out-of-box experience (OOBE) for Microsoft Sysprep. In particular it’ll pay attention to configuration unique for Windows setup on Mac hardware.
Lastly we’ll examine our use of a commercial tool (Winclone) to create Apple Software packages (.pkg files) that we use to deploy Windows remotely via tools such as Apple Remote Desktop.
This session is for anyone who needs to install Windows via Boot Camp onto a large number of Macintosh computers.
Craig is the Systems Analyst at the ARC Centre of Excellence in Cognition and its Disorders at Macquarie University.
He is responsible for the management of the server and desktop infrastructure of the research centre compromising approximately 200 dual boot Macintosh desktops and laptops as well as our Xsan storage solution. He is also responsible for the centre’s website and research laboratories.