To Bind or not to Bind, that is the Question

Marcus Ransom, RMIT UniversityPart of XW16

Binding a Mac to a directory service is the traditional way of providing authentication and authorisation in education or enterprise scenarios. Directory services such as Open Directory or Active Directory were designed when computers stayed connected to a domain 24/7 but this is often the exception rather than the rule these days. What are the options for providing integration with corporate directory services for different deployment scenarios and what sort of questions should we be asking when we are deciding on how to set up our fleet?

Marcus has been integrating Apple devices into various enterprise environments for over a decade, from small design studios through to large one to one iPad programs. In his current role as the Lead Apple Technician at RMIT University, he is responsible for the integration and support of the Apple fleet into the wider University. Understanding the changing Apple ecosystem and developing a community amongst Apple system administrators are two objectives that motivate him to improve the way Apple devices are supported and perceived in the wider IT environment. Marcus co-ordinates Melbourne Apple Admins ( and also co-presents the podcast (