Making the World Accessible: Accessibility on MacOS and iOS

Lucy Mathis, Google LLC Part of XW18

Have you ever asked yourself, “What if one day I break my arm and I can’t create the best memes or sift through all those lines of code to find that missing semicolon?” Well, luckily, Apple has your back. Including recently becoming the industry leader in Accessibility emojis, the fruit giant™’s operating systems have consistently been the most accessible across the board. From the best built-in dictation software to enabling an accessibility keyboard based on your needs, we will explore all the features macOS and iOS have to offer to those who are in need and even those who want to compose emails just a little bit faster.

You will learn how to use accessibility features like VoiceOver for basic tasks, and how to tailor your products for those in need.

It is suggested delegates attending this session have earbuds or headphones compatible with their devices to get the most out of this session.

Currently, Lucy is an IT Resident at Google, as well as an OS X subject matter expert. She has worked closely with the core Google Mac Platform Hardening team since May 2015, including an in-depth, quarter-long rotation where she worked on their tools, including Santa. In addition to being a Mac SME, Lucy also works on Google’s accessibility team, centered around making internal tools more accessible.