Pro Jamf Pro

Jon Rhoades, St Vincent’s Institute Part of XW18

SVI switched from using the “munki stack” to Jamf 18 months ago. The munki stack is a collection of open source tools with munki at the centre that provide a comprehensive Mac management ecosystem.

When we moved to Jamf, we found that Jamf Pro provides for most but not all of our needs.

This talk aims to cover the additional applications we’ve needed to manage our Macs and iOS devices and the tools required to setup and manage our Mac and iOS environment.

We will be looking at how we setup, manage and monitor the Jamf Pro Server. How we can interface Jamf Pro with other business applications we run. We will also look at tools we can use to interface with Jamf Pro to help us add & manage applications and users.

Jon is currently the IT Manager at St Vincent’s Institute – a medical research institute in Melbourne affiliated with the University of Melbourne.