There And Back Again with the Roundtrip App

Jimmy Ti, Eat More Pixels Part of DW18

You have worked really hard developing this new app, sweating over every tiny detail in order to craft the most delightful user experience. As developers, we often think it’s time to celebrate as we push that last commit towards feature-complete. However, many challenges and pitfalls lurk around that can disrupt the launch or even kill the app before it releases on the App Store.

This talk presents a cautionary tale of our experience when producing the Roundtrip app, an officially accepted learner logbook app in New South Wales. We are hoping to share our experience and lessons learned beyond Xcode and Sketch, before and after the launch. Fasten your seatbelt as we venture through the following challenges: external dependencies and APIs, trademark disputes, security concerns, marketing miscommunications, user education, technical support, and many others.

If you are planning to release an app soon, or keen to raise the bar of your apps for the highly competitive mobile app landscape, this session is for you.