Cybersecurity Communication Workshop

Ben Greiner, Forget Computers Part of XW19

Ben GreinerHow to talk cybersecurity with your customers.
Stop talking dry techno-babble and bring your message of cybersecurity to life. Learn to work with key stakeholders to deliver a persuasive presentation that really means something to your audience.

You know it’s critical to practice good cybersecurity hygiene. You are all too aware of the poor security practices of your clients. You want to help them. You want to protect them. But how do you protect them from themselves? Especially when they aren’t listening to your warnings!

The simple mention of cybersecurity sucks the air out of a room. This is why we’ve found ways to talk about cybersecurity without focusing on cybersecurity. In this workshop, you’ll learn how to articulate why cybersecurity awareness and ongoing best-practices are absolutely critical in today’s interconnected world. You’ll learn how to help people bring this new-found awareness back to their home, office, school — any organization to which they contribute. You’ll become a godlike (nondenominational) figure in your community as you learn how to empower your audience to more confidently share your knowledge with the people they know so we can all benefit from the dissemination of the good word of cybersecurity (without actually saying cybersecurity)!

What You’ll Get
You’ll learn to…

  • Persuade people to take notice of their risks.
  • Deliver a fun and engaging cybersecurity message.
  • Talk about cybersecurity in a way that makes your audience care.
  • Structure a compelling argument for better cybersecurity practices.
  • Address push-back and highlight the risks and rewards of cybersecurity.
  • Be empathetic to your audience and deliver information they understand.
  • Connect with your audience and make a difference.

Ben is the Founder and President of Forget Computers where he leads a brilliant team using intelligent tools, clear communication, and a positive attitude to help people accomplish more — more securely — with Apple technology. We can’t wait for him to help you do the same.