CreateWorld Rescheduled

We’re sorry to have to announce that our CreateWorld event is being deferred until later this year. We’ll have new dates and an extended Call for Participation process up soon. This isn’t what we wanted, but we need to take some time to ensure that CreateWorld will be a vibrant event with great sessions, and the best way to ensure that is to take more time to get it right. Please stay tuned!

Vale Charles Edge

Charles EdgeWe are filled with sadness at the passing of Charles Edge – a giant of the Macintosh community, and a wonderful friend of the AUC.

Charles generously and enthusiastically gave his support to many organisations and events around the world – in particular, those that coalesced around the Apple ecosystem – and we were thrilled to be able to host him at our own events.

We offer our deepest condolences to his family and friends. He enriched so many lives and we will miss him dearly.


Announcing our /dev/world and X World Keynotes for 2024

Adam ShawLong-time /dev/world attendees are sure to know the first of our keynote speakers – Adam Shaw. Adam has presented at /dev/world numerous times in the past – most recently in 2017 at the tenth anniversary /dev/world event. We’re thrilled to bring him back to Australia as a keynote speaker this year.

Adam has been developing iOS apps since the dawn of time (aka 2008). An Apple nerd through and through, he loves sharing his knowledge and enthusiasm for app development with others. He currently works at Bonobo Labs, developer of the Apple Design Award winning app Flow. In his spare time he makes music, plays video games, and (surprise!) develops even more apps.

Joel Rennich

Our other keynote speaker is very well known in the MacAdmin community, and we’re very happy to welcome back Joel Rennich to X World. He’s presented at both /dev/world and X World in the past.

Joel is the Vice President of Product Strategy at JumpCloud residing in the greater Minneapolis, MN area. He focuses primarily on the intersection of identity, users and the devices that they use. While Joel has spent most of his professional career focused on Apple products, at JumpCloud he works with a team focused on bolding going where no devs have gone before across all platforms. Prior to JumpCloud Joel was a director at Jamf helping to make Jamf Connect and other authentication products.

In 2018 Jamf acquired Joel’s startup, Orchard & Grove, which is where Joel developed the widely-used open source software NoMAD. Installed on over one million Macs across the globe, NoMAD allows macOS users to get all the benefits of Active Directory without having to be bound to them. Joel also developed other open source software at Orchard & Grove such as DEPNotify and NoMAD Login.

Over the years Joel has been a frequent speaker at a number of conferences including WWDC, MacSysAdmin, MacADUK, Penn State MacAdmins Conference, Objective by the Sea, FIDO Authenticate and others in addition to user groups everywhere.

Joel spent over a decade working at Apple in Enterprise Sales and started the website which was the mainstay of Apple system administrator education during the early years of macOS X.

Learn more about /dev/world »   Learn more about X World »

/dev/world, X World and CreateWorld all Returning for 2024!

We’re happy to announce that a combined /dev/world + X World event is returning May 8 – May 10, 2024, once again at Seek’s Naarm/Melbourne campus.

In addition, we’re very happy to announce that CreateWorld is also making its return – the first since the Covid-19 pandemic. CreateWorld will be run at Griffith University’s SouthBank campus at Meeanjin/Brisbane June 26-June 28, 2024.

The Call for Participation is now open for both events!

X World and /dev/world Wrap Up

Last week we held our first face-to-face event since September 2019. It’s hard to believe that three and a half years have passed since /dev/world 2019, but it was a delight to be able to bring everyone together again.

This event was notable for a few firsts:

  • it was the first time we’ve held an event in partnership with Seek
  • it was the first time we’ve held X World and /dev/world at the same time, as separate tracks at the one event
  • it was the first time we’ve run X World in Melbourne
  • it was the first time where health and safety had to be front and centre in the planning and execution of the event

Overall, we’re extremely happy with the results. The two outstanding keynotes and 25 community sessions across the two days of the event were very well received by all attendees.

The facilities at Seek were first class, and our contacts there were a delight to work with. We sincerely hope that we are able to work with Seek again in the future – their support for community events is commendable. Special thanks are due to James Corcoran, Stephanie Symeou, and Matthew Gregory for making us feel welcome, and being so accommodating of our needs.

The Mac Admins Podcast team recorded a live episode immediately following X World, and interviewed a number of people involved in the organisation of the event, and some of the speakers. You can listen here.

Thanks are also due to many people, including:

  • Tom Bridge and Tim Oliver for their engaging keynote sessions
  • James White and Marcus Ransom for running each track, including introducing speakers, and managing Q&A from the audience
  • all of our speakers, some of whom travelled great distances to be with us
  • Jon Manning and Matthew Gregory for AV and session recording (session videos will start to appear here and on our Youtube channel soon)
  • Our outstanding organising team and blind proposal reviewers, including Mars Buttfield-Addison, Jon Manning, Tim Nugent, Paris Buttfield-Addison, James White, Tony Gray, Josh Deprez, and Ross Bennetts

And last, and most importantly, our sincere thanks are due to all of our attendees. We were thrilled that everyone took our Covid-safe plan seriously. Mask wearing is not popular, but Covid-19 is still with us, and wearing a mask is a way to show other attendees that you’re not only considering your own health – you’re considering the health of everyone else.

We’re looking forward to more face-to-face events in the future. Please check back here from time to time for updates.

Announcing our /dev/world and X World Keynotes

Tim OliverIf you’ve been to /dev/world before, you’ll probably know Tim Oliver, who’s been a strong contributor to our community for many years. In Tim’s own words, he’s “been a fanboy of iOS since the iPhone 3G and a fanboy of /dev/world since 2010”.

Tim has considerable experience working as an iOS developer at a number of large technology companies, and is currently working as an iOS engineer at Instagram. Long-lived apps at such large companies often present different challenges than what indie developers might expect. With thousands of engineers contributing code over the years, how does a newcomer to the company even begin to understand any of this?

In his keynote session, Tim will present a top down look at how they develop new features for the Instagram app for iOS, including the sort of architectures and patterns that are used in the code, and how the codebase is maintained to keep build times down.

Tom Bridge

Those in the MacAdmins community know Tom Bridge well – he’s a producer (and host) of the Mac Admins Podcast, and more recently has helped to establish the Mac Admins Foundation which he also co-chairs. Attendees of X World may also remember Tom’s visit in 2019, where he presented a workshop (along with Chris Dawe) on the Fundamentals of Wi-Fi.

Tom is a regular speaker at the Penn State Mac Admins Conference, Mac Admin & Developer UK Conference, MacTech Conference, and has also given talks at MacDevOps YVR and MacDeploy conferences.

In his keynote, Tom will tackle the challenges we face working in a world where Apple is creating a new operating system every year, with new APIs, new versions of Swift and Xcode, and is pushing admins and developers to adopt them immediately. How do we stay sane when everything’s moving so fast all at once? Tom will provide you with frameworks to help deal with an ever-changing world, building cycles of resiliency in your code and in your adoption cycles.

Learn more about /dev/world »   Learn more about X World »

/dev/world and X World Event Registrations Open

We’ll be announcing our first session speakers in the next few days, but if you’re eager, you can now register for our combined /dev/world and X World event on March 30/31, 2023 in Melbourne.

Ticket prices are $100 for students, and there’s a $500 early-bird rate for those who register in the next few weeks.

Learn more »

Announcing the Return of /dev/world and X World!

After a long Covid-induced hiatus, two of Australia’s longest-running conferences for learners, users, developers, and supporters of Apple platforms make a triumphant return to Melbourne on March 30-31!

/dev/world returns in its thirteenth year, and X World returns in its eighteenth year. Both will be co-hosted as a single event in 2023.

The call for participation is open now for both events – please visit the event pages above for more information, and please check back with us soon as we add more information about this exciting event.

Save The Date…

We’re thrilled to confirm that /dev/world and X World will return March 30 —March 31, in Melbourne. We’ll have lots more to say about this soon, but for the moment, be sure to save the date – we can’t wait to see you again soon! Happy Holidays!

Between Worlds Issue 1 Deadline Extension

Some of you have asked for a longer lead-time to submit topic proposals for the first issue of Between Worlds. We’re happy to oblige, and have extended the deadline to August 1, 2022. (And if you miss that, any later submissions will automatically be considered for the second issue).

Click the Between Worlds graphic on the right to learn more, and to submit your proposal.