CreateWorld Video

We’d like to thank Adobe for sponsoring CreateWorld earlier in February, and Dr. Tim Kitchen, an Adobe Senior Education Consultant for creating a short video of the event.  Enjoy!

Getting Ready for CreateWorld

CreateWorld is almost upon us, and we’ve organised another great digital arts conference with the support of Griffith University and major sponsor Adobe. The event runs February 12 and 13, and features a wide range of presentations, performances, workshops and a panel session. If you’re working or teaching in the creative arts, CreateWorld is an ideal opportunity for you to network with leading participants in the digital arts disciplines.

See our main CreateWorld page for more details about the event, including links to the timetable and registration details. We look forward to seeing you there!

CreateWorld Call for Participation

CreateWorld is our 2 day performance, presentation, and professional development event, specifically for academic and technical staff who work in the digital arts disciplines.

The conference features a wide range of academic and technical presenters from the tertiary education and industry sectors, and includes several keynotes, panel sessions, hypotheticals, hands-on technical workshops, and regular presentation sessions.

The organising committee has issued a call for participation and are seeking posters, papers, performances, exhibitions, workshops and panel session.

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/dev/world Registrations Close Soon

If you want to learn about iOS and OS X development, /dev/world has it covered. This year’s event promises a full program – three workshops, 18 stream sessions, and three great keynotes from Les Posen, Paul Fenwick and John Millard.

But you need to hurry – registrations close 9am Monday September 23rd, and you won’t want to miss one of the best technical conferences on Apple platform development in the region.

Peer-to-Peer Connectivity on iOS

Tim Raphael, University of Western Australia

The whole idea of having mobile devices is to keep people connected when ever, where ever they happen to be. Apple provides some fantastic frameworks for getting your app talking to other devices and other people. In this session, I’ll show you how you can add this exciting element to your app to allow people to communicate like never before.

Tim is a Masters student at UWA currently completing a Masters of Software Engineering. He has a great passion for iOS development and more specifically how mobile devices can aid communication.

Give it a REST: Reactive iOS UIs with Meteor’s DDP Protocol

Justin Marrington, University of Queensland

Meteor is a pretty fantastic modern JavaScript framework, but we can have a little slice of Meteor and make much more dynamic web-data driven UIs in our iOS apps by taking advantage of the Distributed Data Protocol that drives Meteor.

DDP is a reactive alternative to traditional REST-based web services that binds web data to your user interface elements via Pub/Sub messaging. This session introduces DDP as a REST-alternative, and walks through using ObjectiveDDP, the iOS implementation of the protocol, to build a simple app with a fully reactive UI.

Justin studied and worked as an RA in the University of Queensland’s small but fanatic Interaction Design program. He loves iOS and the open web, and is always looking for ways to finally being these two worlds closer together. Justin is currently building high tech law enforcement software, but most of his spare time is spent on his one true love: making iOS apps and complaining about bugs in the developer betas.

Getting out of treble with Instruments

Sebastian Beswick, Art Processors

Memory management is a crucial part of app development. Apple moved a large part of this burden from the developer to the compiler with the introduction of ARC (automatic reference counting), but a solid understanding of memory management is still a key tool in every developers belt. This talk looks at using Instruments to diagnose memory issues in apps, common gotchas to be avoided, and how ARC simplifies many of these problems.

Sebastian is an iOS developer at Art Processors. He graduated with honours in computing at the University of Tasmania in 2012, researching ways of using artificial intelligence techniques to vastly improve the availability of sound synthesisers for musicians. Sebastian spoke on computer audio, sound synthesis, and computer music at /dev/world/2012 and Create World 2012 after receiving AUC and Apple scholarships to attend WWDC 2012.

Art Processors are a Melbourne based startup that provide innovative mobile content delivery solutions for museums and tourist sites. Their groundbreaking location aware tour guide app “The O” has allowed over 900,000 visitors to the MONA museum in Hobart access to a plethora of historical and interpretive information about nearby works, while allowing artists and curators the freedom to display their works without constraint.

A Place for Art – Exploring Pathways through Museum Collections

Tim Wray, University of Wollongong

A Place for Art is an iPad app that allows users to explore and create pathways through the University of Wollongong’s Art Collection. As both an experimental interface and a companion piece to the print publication of the same name, the app demonstrates a rich and unique user experience with one goal in mind: to empower discovery, exploration and serendipity within collections of fine art.

This talk covers the context, rationale and philosophy of the app’s unique interaction design. By taking full advantage of the iPad’s gesture-based affordances, I describe some of the approaches and challenges we faced in its implementation. I also present an overview of the some of the other projects that showcase ideas of serendipity, discovery and play within cultural data using exploratory interaction design and data visualisation approaches.

This talk is aimed at those who seek inspiration in new ways of presenting data-driven or apps, discuss ideas on how we can craft amazing user experiences for presenting rich content, or perhaps see the beauty and amazing experiences that can be created from (re)-mixing data and presenting it in new ways.

Tim Wray is a PhD candidate at the University of Wollongong that looks at how computational methods and new interaction design approaches can be used to create beautiful, engaging experiences for museum collections.