AUC Between Worlds Call for Participation

We’re really excited to announce the AUC’s new Between Worlds series, providing a new avenue for community members to share their experience and expertise between and beyond our existing “world” events, which have been on hiatus since early 2020 due to COVID-19. While we do intend to return to face-to-face events when it’s safe to do so, we’ve created Between Worlds as a new way to share experiences with Apple’s platforms in learning contexts.

Learn more »

New Membership Options

The AUC has recently broadened its membership options for organisations. Eligible organisations must have a physical presence in Australia or New Zealand, and can now include:

  • universities or any of their organisational units
  • secondary or senior secondary schools
  • TAFE colleges
  • similar not-for-profit educational institutions
  • public not-for-profit cultural institutions including libraries, museums, and galleries

Organisational memberships have three different pricing tiers, depending on the organisation’s size, and soon we’ll be offering free Associate Memberships for staff and students of organisational members.

Learn more »

Updated AUC Policies

The AUC updates its operating and other policies from time to time, and is transparent about when that happens. In line with changes to our membership model, and an update to our Operating Policies ratified by our members at the March 2022 AGM, all of our policies have recently been updated.

Go to the Policy page »

Introducing our first EveryWorld Keynote Speakers

max schleserWe’re excited to announce that our first keynote speakers for EveryWorld will be Stuart ‘Sutu’ Campbell and Max Schleser.

Stuart is a pioneering VR Filmmaker and has developed a strong international reputation working with Marvel, Google and Disney.

Max is a Senior Lecturer at Swinburne University of Technology and researches Immersive Media and Creative Arts 4.0 with a focus on Cinematic VR and interactive filmmaking.

Learn more »

Announcing EveryWorld

We’re really excited to announce a brand-new event on the AUC calendar – EveryWorld 2020.

Due to continued uncertainty around travel due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we’re rolling our three annual events (/dev/world, X World and CreateWorld) into a single online event to be held at the end of November. The call for participation is now open and we’d love to hear from current and new AUC community members who are keen to share their experiences.

Learn more »

X World 2020 CFP

X World is our annual training event for OS X and iOS system administrators and support staff, and will be held at UTS, Sydney June 24-26, 2020.

We are now calling for presenters who wish to offer sessions and workshops at this year’s event. If you have a background in the installation, configuration, deployment, or on-going administration of OS X based systems, or experience in iOS deployment, management and app development, or if you work in related areas, we’d really like to hear from you. Presenters receive free registration to X World, and qualify for subsidised flights and/or accommodation.

The call for presentations is now open, and closes Friday March 27, 2020, at 9pm Sydney time. Offers can be made by completing the submission form.

Deploying and Managing Apple Technology in Education & Enterprise

Apple Education Part of XW19

Hear about Apple’s commitment to privacy, explore security features in macOS and iOS, and discover security best practices with mobile device management.

Learn about the best practices for deploying Apple Technology in both one-to-one and shared-use environments and see how Apple School Manager and Apple Business Manager can streamline deployment.

Discover how teaching tools like the Classroom app make it easy to guide how students use devices and apps in the classroom or learning environment and provide insight into student progress.

Some of the most powerful opportunities for technology are realised in the hands of students and teachers. Apple designs technology that empowers every individual, no matter how they learn and what they love to do. And Apple Education is dedicated to helping schools make the most of Apple products to expand what’s possible for learning, create new opportunities for teaching and establish dynamic environments that inspire both.

Introduction to Apple Device Management

Gib Chan & Vasko Kirovski, Jamf Part of XW19

Perfect for those new to managing Apple devices, this workshop will explain the concepts of MDM, what it can do, and what you need to know. Learn how to quickly deploy devices using Apple’s deployment programs, configure settings, and push out apps for both iOS and macOS. Enrol and manage your own test devices and see it working yourself. This workshop will be lead by local Jamf engineers – no sales pitch!

In preparation for this workshop, delegates should bring a test device running the latest version of either Mojave or iOS12.

Cybersecurity Communication Workshop

Ben Greiner, Forget Computers Part of XW19

Ben GreinerHow to talk cybersecurity with your customers.
Stop talking dry techno-babble and bring your message of cybersecurity to life. Learn to work with key stakeholders to deliver a persuasive presentation that really means something to your audience.

You know it’s critical to practice good cybersecurity hygiene. You are all too aware of the poor security practices of your clients. You want to help them. You want to protect them. But how do you protect them from themselves? Especially when they aren’t listening to your warnings!

The simple mention of cybersecurity sucks the air out of a room. This is why we’ve found ways to talk about cybersecurity without focusing on cybersecurity. In this workshop, you’ll learn how to articulate why cybersecurity awareness and ongoing best-practices are absolutely critical in today’s interconnected world. You’ll learn how to help people bring this new-found awareness back to their home, office, school — any organization to which they contribute. You’ll become a godlike (nondenominational) figure in your community as you learn how to empower your audience to more confidently share your knowledge with the people they know so we can all benefit from the dissemination of the good word of cybersecurity (without actually saying cybersecurity)!

What You’ll Get
You’ll learn to…

  • Persuade people to take notice of their risks.
  • Deliver a fun and engaging cybersecurity message.
  • Talk about cybersecurity in a way that makes your audience care.
  • Structure a compelling argument for better cybersecurity practices.
  • Address push-back and highlight the risks and rewards of cybersecurity.
  • Be empathetic to your audience and deliver information they understand.
  • Connect with your audience and make a difference.

Ben is the Founder and President of Forget Computers where he leads a brilliant team using intelligent tools, clear communication, and a positive attitude to help people accomplish more — more securely — with Apple technology. We can’t wait for him to help you do the same.